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Résumé de la discussion (messages les plus récents en premier)

01/03/2015 23:00:07

J'espère que cella apportera un peu de neuf dans l'interface smile un frontend en qt quick pourrait être sympa mais je ne pense pas que se sera pour demain sad.

01/03/2015 19:25:30

le texte original

Within the next couple of weeks we will be switching the minimum QT version
from 4.8 to 5.2*

QT 4 goes End of Life at the end of this year and so we want our next release,
the one users will be using past this deadline to be built on QT 5. Having
access to some of the features of QT 5 is also a nice benefit.

*5.2 was selected as the minimum version as this is the lowest version offered
by all distros we surveyed. We won't rule out a move to a more recent version,
i.e. 5.4 which is already available for most distros sometime before the

We're on the hunt for bugs caused by the switch to QT 5 and this is something
you can help us with. So please make sure you're ready for the switch, the
earlier you start the transition to QT 5 the smoother the process will be.

Stuart Morgan

01/03/2015 19:24:37

mythtv.png?cache=cacheL'annonce vient d'être faite sur le forum des développeurs: 0.28 demandera au minimum QT 5.2.

Cela ne devrait perturber les installations récentes mais attention en cas de migration à partir d'une ancienne distribution non mise à jour.

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